Managing deviations in a GMP environment.

(R1200 plus VAT)

What will I learn from this course?

Even though we want to avoid deviations as far as possible, they do happen (sometimes on a regular basis, as they can occur in virtually every aspect of GxP). It is therefore important to learn how to manage deviations efficiently, and to ensure they are documented properly. This training module on the management of deviations in a GMP environment will teach you the thinking behind the effective investigation of deviations. Once you understand the methodology, you will be able to apply this knowledge to difficult and (complex) deviations, that can take hours or (or even days) to document. It will also enable you to manage, minor deviations, where you need to document the investigation in a quick and efficient manner.

Who would benefit from this course?

  • Pharmacists already working in Industry but who needs a better understanding of the management of deviations or need a refresher.
  • Pharmacists wanting to pursue a career in Industry.
  • Pharmacy Interns or Community Pharmacists wanting to pursue or considering a career in Industry.