Managing deviations in a Distribution (GDP) environment.

(R1200 plus VAT)

What will I learn from this course?

This training module will teach you the thinking behind the effective investigation of deviations you might come across in a Distribution environment. Once you understand the methodology, you will be able to apply this knowledge to difficult and (complex) deviations, but can also be applied to minor deviations, where you need to document the investigation in a quick and efficient manner. This module has been specifically designed for Pharmacists working in or want to work in distribution. The exercises are specifically designed for application within the Distribution (GDP) environment.

Who would benefit from this course?

  • Pharmacists already working in Distribution, but who needs a better understanding of the management of deviations or need a refresher.
  • Pharmacists wanting to pursue a career in Distribution.
  • Pharmacy Interns or Community Pharmacists wanting to pursue or considering a career in Distribution.